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ruby radicals

Ruby Radicals Mutual Aid Network

ruby radicals

As someone who believes in the mission of The Ruby LA, you know how we feel about systemic racism, corrupt policing, inequality (we’re against it). You, as a person who supports our mission of lifting up marginalized voices, are out protesting in the streets, supporting the peoples budget in LA, calling your reps. If you are white person, you are doing the above AND you are stopping the talking and starting the listening, promoting black voices, educating yourself with some great books, and trying to educate other white folks about the cause. (I really recommend this book – and it has a free download for your e-reader).

What are more things we can do right now to support each other in our own community? How can we make sure that a Ruby Community Member has a ride home from a protest, a number to call in case they are arrested, a place to stay if things in their neighborhood start to look bad? What if you need help getting groceries? Or need a ride to a doctor’s appointment?

Well you need a Mutual Aid Network – a community of folks that looks out for and helps each other. Think of it as a donation of your time to your friends who might need you. And we are forming one for The Ruby LA called The Ruby Radicals.

But what’s the first step? We want to know what you need. And how are you doing…really? So we’ve created a google form where you can tell us what you need and how you’re feeling.

But mutual aid networks aren’t just about what people need, it’s about what people can give each other too. So on this form you’ll also see a section about what services you can provide to your fellow community members.

Feel free to let us know how you feel, what your biggest worries and fears are, and how you want to help in any of the provided boxes.

The Ruby LA is here for you and our community is here for each other.

micro sketch fest

micro Sketch Comedy Fest – a new Fest!

micro sketch festTwo festivals in one month! What are we INSANE? Yes. Yes we are. Sign up for our micro Sketch Fest and on June 12th at noon (PDT) we’ll send you the theme. You’ll have two weeks to write, shoot, edit, and send over your micro sketch. On June 27th we’ll do a big ole online fest and show all the great content that you all produced.

queer comedy fest 2020

Ruby Queer Comedy Fest 2020

queer comedy fest 2020The Ruby Queer Comedy Festival 2020 is Here!

Our 3rd Annual Queer Comedy Fest is happening on Sunday June 14th and Scout Durwood is hosting! Yessss! We’re looking for all kind of video submissions and performances for this online festival so tap here to learn more and submit. And if you have any questions or want to just make a cocktail and hang, join us here tonight at 5 pm (PDT)!


We’re Doing a Giveaway!

giveawayWe’re giving away a spot in our Comedic Content Class thanks to a sponsorship from one Laura Breen (thank you Laura!). To enter our giveaway head over to our Instagram profile and follow the instructions there. Or if you just want to buy the class outright, because giveaways go against your moral code, tap the link to sign up below.


Rosa ‘Fits for your Inside Inspo Needs

rosaWhat is Rosa Wearing Right Now?

Rosa is one of our most stylish house teams and they’re always giving us those amazing show looks. Today they get into those #OOTDs and tell us where they get that WFH style inspo.

1. Jessica Clemmons

What are you wearing?
I’m wearing a wizard black cloak, because it’s extremely warm! I couldn’t take a full photo of the full outfit because my rooms messy and it’s a selfie!

Style Inspo?
Wow hard question, I’m a huge fan of rustic and earthy tones! Spring looks truly. Anything homemade is a plus, I’m a big fan of sustainable living. So like, Gandalf the Grey, Albus Dumbledore, those types I really like, and are huge influencers for me! I know some would say like, serve Portman but like I stay Merlin. What’s up!

2. Bobbi Whitney

What are you wearing?
It’s important to always stay fashionable, even while working from home, so I’m wearing my university sweatshirt, leggings, and mismatched Disney princess fuzzy socks.  I could basically walk a red carpet right now if it wasn’t for Corona.

Style Inspo?   

I’m more of an influencer than an influencee.  Every afternoon, I wake up, get dressed, look at myself in the mirror and say, “YES!  This outfit is brilliant, and I am an icon.”  And I know it’s true because my cats totally agree with me.

3. Andy Cameron

What are you wearing?
I’m wearing my Veep Hoodie and an ever rotating cast of tshirts after my son Iain spits up on it.

Style Inspo? 
My style influence, I’d have to Oscar “deLaurenta” the Grouch. Gotta keep it real and educational for the kids, economical for these trying times, and making the most out of the space you have. Oscar’s got an elephant down there.

4. Audrey Pennington

What are you wearing?
Here’s a selfie of what my friends on FaceTime see everyday, cuz I’m pretty much just living in hoodies and pajama shorts. Funemployed, baybeee!!

Style Inspo? 
I get my style inspiration from The Bachelor. Specifically footage of all the girls who didn’t get a date that week, bitching before bedtime in their PJs and messy buns.

Thanks Rosa! Hope everyone else is staying stylish at home!


Gloria as Little Babies! So Cuuuute!


We asked house team Gloria to pair their favorite cartoons growing up with the best cereal. What did you think this was going to be? A wine and cheese tasting? Not our style.

1. Patrick Gremillion

What was your favorite cartoon as a kid and does it hold up?
I watched an exorbitant amount of cartoons as a child. I would say the one I enjoyed the most was Dragon Ball Z. On one hand, it doesn’t hold up… nonsensical plots, poorly developed characters, perhaps a smidge too violent for the age group it’s geared towards…. but on the other hand, I keep finding myself Youtube-ing my favorite clips of that show whenever I’m bored. I think it’s a combination of the cool fight animations and the very boiled down Good vs. Evil dynamics at play in the show. It’s also a very fun and stupid reference to use in improv lol.

What cereal pairs well with Dragon Ball Z?
Def Peanut Butter Crunch. You need a crunchy cereal that can withstand milk during DBZ watches.

2. Meg Sinick

What was your favorite cartoon as a kid and does it hold up?
My favorite cartoon was Doug and I am sure it holds up extremely well.

What cereal pairs well with Doug?    

It would pair well with Cracklin’ Oat Bran because that’s the best cereal there is.

3. Ben Kadie

What was your favorite cartoon as a kid and does it hold up?
Avatar the Last Airbender. I definitely think this holds up!

What cereal pairs well with Avatar the Last Airbender?
A good cereal to pair with Avatar would be Honey Bunches of Oats, because its made up of several cereal “elements” that come together to make something powerful!

4. Corinne Dutton

What was your favorite cartoon as a kid and does it hold up?

What cereal pairs well with GloriRugrats?  
What’s that cookie cereal? It would be that one!

Thanks for the pairings Gloria! We really got a nice glimpse into ya’ll childhoods there. And also really hungry for some cereal right about now.

spirit week

It’s Spirit Week at The Ruby LA!

spirit weekYa’lls Ruby Spirit Week Game is Strong!  We’ve been lol’ling at these #RubySpiritWeek posts on Instagram. Today is TV Parent Day. So, whatever that means to you, dress like that! Tomorrow is Ruby day. So wear red, wear something that sparkles, wear your Ruby gear! We wanna see you shine!