Our show is a “traditional” hour-long stand-up comedy show that is anything but traditional. Headscarves and Durags (HD comedy) is a one hour comedy show featuring “woke” comedians with an emphasis on legitimate diversity.
We book funny first, with hilarious socially conscious material by people of color, people with disabilities, people under the LGBTQI umbrella, and inter-sectional feminists. We’ve created an amusingly inclusive space, a community from the cross sections of society, and a series of sold out shows that are extraordinarily funny.
We also have a live DJ because sometimes revolutionaries want to twerk! HD Comedy is “comedy by the people, for the REVOLUTION.”
This show is $10 for the general public and free to Ruby LA students and team members with valid Ruby LA ID.
Online ticket sales close 1 hour before show.
Thank you for supporting The Ruby LA and ensuring a safe space for the comedic voices of underrepresented folks!