Oldschool with Lindsay Stidham

lindsay stidhamLindsay Stidham has been doing this writing thing a long time. So when we caught up with her, we had to get the deets on some of her first writing gigs.

What’s the first thing you ever wrote?

The first content I ever made was taped radio shows starring me and my Dad on my Fisher Price Tape recorder. The first screenplay I wrote was while I was working a summer desk job at an apartment rental agency in undergrad about a group of people connected through Publisher’s Clearing House sweepstakes. A short film script about suffragettes and their underground correspondence got me into the American Film Institute.

What’s your favorite line you’ve written?

Favorite line of dialogue from a recent script: I keep rescuing cats to see if I can make myself cry.

If you could go back in time and give yourself advice, what would you say?

Never give up your best studio apartments in Los Angeles. Stay there as long as you can and do your best writing. 🙂

When you got your first paycheck from a writing gig, did you buy yourself a present? What was it?

I paid off bills and in the days before ObamaCare I took care of so many healthcare things I put off because at that time I didn’t have health insurance! Now I’d likely finance a small project to direct.